Qingtian Tax Agency Established Full Moon "Slimming, Fitness, and Strengthening" to Shape a New Tax Style

Zhejiang Online, August 20th News (Zhejiang Online Correspondent Lin Weijian and Yang Hui) "After the establishment of the new tax bureau, we can enjoy various convenient services such as one-stop service, one-stop service, and one click consultation. Our tax costs are further reduced, and tax efficiency is greatly improved. These are all visible and tangible" dividends "of reform!" Zhou Yong, Chairman of Qingtian Ouqiao Trading Co., Ltd., said that taxation and regional development The growth of enterprises is closely related.


On July 20th, the Qingtian County Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation was officially established, and to this day, it is even better. "Entering a house, calling a number, going to a window, and doing everything" is becoming a new tax experience for Qingtian taxpayers. Since its listing for a month, the benefits of reform have been continuously released and benefiting more and more taxpayers and payers in overseas Chinese towns.

Continuous "slimming down": A set of information is more worry free

"I didn't expect it to be so fast. When I arrived, I heard it was very troublesome. I had to submit two sets of documents and it took a few days to complete them. I didn't expect it to be completed in less than half an hour now!" Recently, Ji Xuewei, the person in charge of Qingtian County Tongjian Beauty Service Co., Ltd., came to my door to handle the cancellation business and was pleasantly surprised by the high efficiency of the new tax agency.

"Previously, to handle the cancellation of taxpayers for enterprises, it was necessary to go to two different places: the country and the local tax authorities, and each party needed to receive a copy of the documents, which would then be circulated and verified separately. It did take a lot of time. Now, after the merger, there is only one institutional entity, and taxpayers only need to provide one copy of the documents, take a number, and complete it in one window. Qualified enterprises can also undergo simple cancellation and complete it on the spot." Zhang Peimiao, a staff member of the tax service department, explained.

Not only paper materials, but also electronic materials only require one set. The financial manager of Zhejiang Yaneng Casting Co., Ltd., Xiao Guan, just logged into the electronic tax bureau and successfully changed the tax deduction account under the guidance of tax personnel by phone, and signed the tripartite agreement between bank and tax. "Previously, when signing a tripartite agreement, one had to go to the national and local tax authorities separately to fill out forms and take them to the bank. After the bank operated them, they would then take the local tax authorities back to their home country. A total of six sets of documents were required, but now only one set is needed. Moreover, the national and local tax authorities have been merged, so it is not only convenient to go to the lobby, but also to operate at the electronic tax bureau." exclaimed the manager.

Strengthening "Fitness": One Window Service is More Effortless

For many years, Cheng Yinwei, a tax officer at Qingtian Ruifeng Finance Co., Ltd., has been familiar with the process of issuing invoices on behalf of others.

"Your invoice is ready, please keep it!" Cheng Yinwei couldn't believe the reminder from the window staff. This time, she only waited for less than 5 minutes at window 10.

It is understood that the Qingtian County Taxation Bureau integrates window resources, integrates tax services, strengthens personnel training, and relies on the "unified tax platform" on the basis of "one office, one office, one office" to achieve that taxpayers can apply for local tax services by taking one account and going to one window, greatly improving the efficiency of window tax processing and reducing the waiting time of taxpayers. According to statistics, during the just passed August tax collection period, the waiting time for taxpayers decreased by 45% year-on-year, and the processing time decreased by 20%.

"As a regular visitor to the tax service hall, I have also witnessed the process of tax departments from cooperation to merger. Taking the process of handling company tax deregistration as an example, we need to go to two places: national tax and local tax. After the tax service hall moved to the approval center, it achieved one-stop processing. Now that the two companies have merged, we can complete all business in one window. I feel that every step of change is reducing our burden," said Cheng Yinwei.

Continuously "strengthening oneself": strengthening services to be more considerate

"In the past, when I came to the tax office to handle business, I used to queue up first and only submit the documents when it was my turn. If there were any issues with the documents, the previous waiting time would be in vain. Now, through the pre examination of the tax guide, we can effectively reduce unnecessary waiting," said Jin Fenliang, a tax officer at Qingtian Ruixing Handwheel Co., Ltd.

It is understood that the Qingtian County Taxation Bureau takes the reform of tax institutions as an opportunity to continuously strengthen its tax guidance capabilities, and equips three tax guides every day to provide services to taxpayers at the tax guidance platform and self-service area. Concentrate form filling, data pre review, and consultation guidance at the entrance of the tax service hall, and move the tax service from the "window" to the "door", realizing that taxpayers have greetings when entering the door, guidance when handling taxes, and assistance when facing difficulties. In addition, in order to enable taxpayers to truly enjoy convenience, a series of convenient measures have been launched, such as the "Internet Business Window" and staggered tax appointment services.

"The new taxation has ushered in a new mission, and we will continue to create a new tax processing model that simplifies the processing process, provides excellent service measures, adopts new service methods, and speeds up tax processing. We will put more effort into improving service quality, find more solutions in convenient services, continuously shorten the processing time for tax related matters, and dedicate the best service to taxpayers," said the person in charge of the Qingtian County Taxation Bureau.